Rulership in the Heavens Begins Now

Getting directly to the point of this article, Rulership in the Heavens Begins Now:

“Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens” (Matthew 5:19, ISR98).

Jesus is the epitome of the commandments for He is the Word:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:1-3, 14).

With greatness come a few requirements: purity of heart is especially important and obeying the Spirit of God is essential. Those who are led (led kids, led) by the [Holy] Spirit, are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).

If we allow Holy Spirit to lead us we won’t err in judgment, we won’t be led of our flesh and do those things we know hinders our relationship with Almighty God. Thankfully, even if we do have an error in judgment, we can be quickly restored to peace in God and press on provided we just acknowledge the error, apologize to Father, and keep it moving. Father God is so patient and gracious, but we must never use that mercy to perpetuate a lifestyle of sinning. We’re better than that, we’re children of the King and He deserves our worship.

Live your life now for future rewards. Yes, there will be earthly rewards while we pursue righteousness in Him, but with that pursuit also comes future rewards, those treasures we lay up for ourselves that don’t corrupt (Matthew 6:19). There are also rewards for “position”—rulership, in eternity.

Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life (1 Corinthians 6:3)?

Positions in eternity are established by the choices we make HERE and now, so let’s not limit ourselves to earthly treasures when there are thrones to occupy and reigns in the heavens to rule. We are His workmanship in Christ (Ephesians 2:10), let’s agree to allow Holy Spirit to shape us now for our future seat, our position in the heavens. We are kings and priests and lords unto our God indeed (Revelation 1:6), but the manifestation of those titles actually begins right here and right now by following the Spirit of the Lord in obedience to His best for us. We know we have a book, a developing story, created by God before the foundation of the world with our part being worked out in this earthly realm; so let’s align ourselves with what He shows us in His Word (which is His best) and manifest our ability to reign in the heavens right now. We must make it a point to live our earthly lives for the rewards of the future; this is how we forever establish our rulership position with Them in the heavens and reign with Them in the worlds to come.

Going Deeper Requires Consecration

There is nothing more satisfying to the devoted disciple of the Lord than basking in the presence of God and enjoying the fruits of Holy Spirit like peace, joy and contentment; but what is your response when the Lord is pressing you to go deeper into the knowledge of Him?

The Bible encourages us to delve into the deeper things of God and by doing so we increase in wisdom and revelation knowledge in the glory of Him (Ephesians 1:15-21); but the Bible also eludes to push back from the forces of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). As we seek to search out the heart of God and remove those things from our souls that may be keeping us from total consecration, we have to accept there will be push back from the enemy. Satan doesn’t relent when he deems we are devoted to pursuing God in word and deed; if anything, Satan ramps up the attacks, and the impact of those attacks on our psyche will determine just how serious we are about consecration. It’s during the fiery furnace of purification we discover just how devoted we really are to God’s perfect will for our lives.

The Bible tells us that the pure in heart shall see God (Matthew 5:8) and becoming a pure vessel requires more than saying the sinner’s prayer, receiving Jesus as Savior, and making daily decrees for consecration. Yes, we begin the path to consecration by making biblical decrees regarding holiness in walking with God, but unless we give God permission to strip us of everything that stands in the way of purification, our decrees will not take us into the Holy Place. At some point, we have to allow Holy Spirit to crucify our flesh. Those who have allowed God to direct every area of their lives are truly walking in holiness. Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God (Romans 8:14). There is a difference between being a child of God—one who is part of the family of Heaven (and also considered a brother or a sister) verses those who are Sons. Sons carry the glory and live in devoted consecration to the Spirit of the Living God. Those living in devotion to the Spirit of the Living God are set apart for encounters that only the truly surrendered are invited to experience. Does that mean the average Christian cannot have a dramatic spiritual encounter in the Spirit? No, God can choose whoever He desires to bless with a divine spiritual encounter, but walking in the glory of God daily is reserved for the totally surrendered.

Enoch walked so closely with God he never actually died a physical death. He was “taken” by the Spirit of the Living God (Genesis 5:24). Elisha was so powerfully anointed from a lifestyle of surrender that a dead man was raised to life after that man’s body was laid upon the bones of deceased Elisha (2 Kings 13:20-21). Moses was so surrendered to God that he withstood the grumblings of the Israelite’s and still had face to face communication with God when he went into the mountain to speak with God about next steps for the Jews (Exodus 33:11). There was no one more consecrated than the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible has numerous testimonies of things Jesus did that surpassed even physics, like walking on water; but because of His devotion to the call of God on His life, He moved in many operations of glory and power. Feats like these are possible for anyone who has made Jesus Christ LORD of their lives; but feats of this magnitude require a level of sacrifice many believers in God are not willing to embrace.

The Bible tells us to take up our cross and walk with Jesus (Mark 8:34), but the sacrifice of the cross has to be received. While the Cross is the epitome of the surrendered life, God doesn’t force His will upon any of us. Even when God knows His direction for us is what’s best, it is still up to us to lay down our own agendas for His and run our race with endurance. Thankfully, it is enough to believe in God and His Son Jesus to be saved, but in order to walk in the excellency of His glory, a refining of the spirit is required, and there is no refinement without the Word of God and the power of the Cross. It’s not enough to just attend the local church and sing in the choir every Sunday morning. Consecration is deeper than that; consecration requires a stripping away of all those things that keep us in bondage to vain living and foolish pursuits. Consecration requires we abstain from foolish behaviors, foolish jesting and worldly mindsets that prohibit faith from flourishing and hope from producing real results. Consecration is the gateway to living in the supernatural. No one can think or desire their way into the supernatural, one has to pursue it. Faith without works is dead (James 2:26), so we have to move from desire to doing life in the supernatural.

Kathryn Kuhlman, John G. Lake, Maria Woodworth-Etter, and Kenneth E. Hagin exhibited life in the supernatural. There are documented testimonies of supernatural events that took place in many of their meetings. These four people had consecration in common. None of them indulged in worldly pleasure, they refrained from alcohol and other ungodly devices and they spent hours and hours in communion with Holy Spirit. These four people devoted themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ and endured much hardship during their seasons of consecration. Kathryn Kuhlman lived in a turkey shed without basic necessities just so she could be where God wanted her to be while she went through Holy Ghost training. In his quest for holiness in Jesus, John G. Lake gave away everything he owned to pursue ministry in South Africa. Lake had become wealthy selling insurance. Maria Woodworth-Etter actually embraced the call to holiness and consecration during the mid 1800’s and set out on a journey to preach repentance and heal the sick. Her call to holiness and repentance produced such miracles she was once arrested but then released when those who had been healed through her ministry were able to prove they had indeed been healed after she prayed. Kenneth E. Hagin set himself on a course for consecration as a man who was raised from the bed of sickness as a teenager. With sometimes little to no money he continued to pursue God and go where God told him to go in order to carry the anointing he carried for healing the sick. All of these people are on record stating that their ability to heal and walk in the miraculous was cultivated through complete and total consecration to the Lord. This level of consecration required the laying down of personal comfort and sometimes personal desire in order to posses the glory that could only come from a deeply surrendered life. There was a cost to carry the glory of God in the way these people carried it; but the dividends in saved souls, restored families, and divine miracles more than made up for the lack of worldly goods and comforts these godly generals gave up to live in holy devotion to God. I’m certain if we were to ask each of them if the sacrifices made were worth the rewards they would loudly exclaim, yes!

The cost of living in the supernatural is high and it’s not for everyone. Most Christian’s will never taste of the magnificent glory of God, but for those who dare to peer into the things only angels have seen, the call to consecration is well worth the cost. Consecration is a process and it takes time to strip our souls from all the junk we inherited on our DNA before we made the commitment to serve Jesus. There will be set-backs, heartache, grief, great sacrifice and periods of isolation, but there will also be many moments of great joy, ecstasy in Jesus, and deep satisfaction if we faint not. Manifesting the glory of God on a supernatural level is possible but only through a total devotion to sanctification in Jesus. There is no other way to walk in the glory, but the reward for dedicated obedience and consecration far outweighs the fruits that come from worldly pursuits. The question we have to ask ourselves is…are we willing to go deeper?

Reveal Heaven

Today I went to work and lamented about missing my time with the Lord. For the last few years I have had ample time to read the Bible, study scripture and bask in wonderful praise and worship music at any time of the day for as long as I desired, but at the end of May, I took a position helping my husband to run a restaurant. This new assignment has consumed many, many hours of my professional and personal time. I am in the will of God, but being out in the “world” again has been an adjustment. I have not had the two to three hours I am used to having daily with Holy Spirit and for weeks now this has caused some frustration in me. Imagine going from the liberty of continual fellowship with God to one brief little prayer in the car on the way to the job? Its nuts and at times downright irritating to me to have no time for fellowship with God, but I know I am in His will right now, so I do what I can when I can and talk to Him about my next opportunity to have more time with Him.

Today at work I told my husband that I really wished I could be blessed like other’s who get to spend so much time just being with Jesus. He gently corrected me and said, “You are really blessed. We’re here doing this”, referring to our God-ordained assignment to occupy a sphere of influence for the Lord through this restaurant. I agreed with him but added, “…but I want to be in ministry. I want my own church.”

My husband of all people knows that what we’re doing in the restaurant is ministry—marketplace ministry—but I have really been missing those amazing moments with God where He just shows up in my daily life to blast me with His love and power. Being in public places where moments for real ministry are rare is so restricting to me and there’s this little issue with God’s timing that gets under my skin sometimes—His timing is not my timing and sometimes we have to do what God tells us to do even if it means working with some restrictions.

Well because God is so good, He decided to show up and show off for me today, on the job, in the restaurant and to the benefit of those who were there with me to witness the love of God moving on a guest and his wife who came in to eat.

Without going into detail, Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for a man dining in the restaurant and when I finished praying for this man and his wife I also prayed for the father who had just been admitted to hospice today. The couple thanked me for the prayer and the man told me about his travels as a missionary to Russia years ago and his career as a Methodist minister. I walked the man and his wife to the door and returned to the restaurant when I saw tears flowing from one of the member’s of my staff. She said, “I have never seen anything like that and I have no idea what that was all about but I felt it.” She was crying under the presence of the Lord. God was touching her heart and she was full of emotion. Her response was lovely and I marveled at how the Lord used that prayer time to move upon the people He has given to me and my husband to help run the restaurant. It was ministry for many tonight and it was blessed.

As I thought about the special moment that occurred with the power of Jesus today on the job I heard Holy Spirit say, “Reveal Heaven” and I did. Isn’t that what the Church is supposed to do—reveal Heaven?

I thank God for that special moment and I thank God for my husband’s kind rebuke and I thank God for the opportunity to reveal Heaven through me today. It was church, in the purest sense of the word and I was there to share it. God is so very, very good.

May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified forever and ever, Amen.

Guard Your Heart from the Junk of Life

Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).

Sometimes we take in filth. We don’t mean to do it, it just happens. We embrace or walk into situations that leave dark deposits on our souls. We know there are some things we may see and hear that are shocking, or hurtful, or possibly criminal, but we don’t think to arrest the information in the spirit before it leaves its dirty mark on our soul. In a world where we are bombarded daily with so much demonic activity, it can be hard to stay in front of the rubbish the enemy attempts to place before our eye gates and our ear gates when we encounter a dark situation, but as children of God, we have power over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) and we can determine what rules the thoughts and the intents of the heart.

Just as we guard our personal information from would-be thieves and hackers, so should we carefully guard the pathways to the heart. The Bible says that the spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD searching out his innermost being (Proverbs 20:27) and if we take in just a little bit of darkness then the whole body can be defiled (Mark 7:15). So how do we guard the pathways of the heart from dark deposits on the soul? We loose the darkness from our souls through prayer and we bind the good things of God to our souls through the reading of the Word and the confession of the mouth. We can verbally declare and decree a thing and the Bible says it will be established (Job 22:28). So if you find yourself in a less than godly situation and you have seen or heard information you know the Holy Spirit would deem inappropriate or ungodly then get it off your soul. Verbally remove that junk and ask the Lord to fill those places with His light, His love, His purposes and then repeat as needed. This goes for improper conversations you have overheard or have indulged in, gossip you have received or spread, music you have listened to that defiles what is sacred and holy, television shows or movies you have watched that are rampant with sexual content, offensive language or excessive violence, reading materials that encourage adultery, witchcraft, or open rebellion against God. None of these issues promote godliness and none of these issues add value to us or to the kingdom. Now that doesn’t mean we’re to go through life with our heads buried in the sand and unable to communicate with worldly people who may indulge in toxic forms of entertainment; after all, we are called to reach the lost, but a regular routine of soul cleansing will keep us from being infected by the dross of the world while we’re working to affect godly change in worldy spheres. If the kingdom of God is within us then we need to look like we belong to the kingdom of God.

Going forward, make the decision to regularly wash away the dark deposits left on the soul from the junk we may take in whether knowingly or unknowingly. Make it a habit to perform a soul check and take the steps necessary to cleanse your heart. Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only (James 1:22). Use the resources God has given to us in His Word and through prayer to clear away the dirty deposits that come from the camp of the devil and daily guard your heart because the issues of life do indeed flow from that very special place and it should always be reserved for the light of the Father.

Be blessed friends and cleave to Jesus.

Controlling the Power of Life and Death with Your Mouth

Two CANNOT walk together unless they are in agreement (Amos 3:3). You cannot have a united front with one person speaking life and the other speaking death. The Bible also warns against those who do harmful things then say it was only a joke. Our tongues control the power of life and death. That’s scriptural. Man’s ignorance of the Word is no excuse for failures in life. How can anyone expect God to bless something that they themselves keep cursing? There is no such thing as jesting in the Spirit. The Bible says God is not mocked and whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

There may be those in your sphere who often err on the side of ignorance even after knowing the command of the Lord, be in prayer for them, but do not align yourself with them for they are in darkness and they have received the spirit of rebellion for they refuse to control their tongue and when the door of destruction opens they cry foul, accuse God of ignoring them in their most desperate need and make an excuse for their poor choices. We have in life what we choose in life, it is NEVER God’s fault we have trouble. Jesus said He came to deliver us from trouble.

Each and every one of us has the power to control our own destiny by the decisions we make with our time, our talents and our mouths. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and we all need to be reminded sometimes to control what we say, what we think, and what we do. Thankfully, we have an advocate in Jesus and we can simply turn course after we acknowledge we spoke death by mistake instead of speaking life. The Bible says choose life, so just do it, choose to bless with your life and stop the curse of the mouth; nothing good can come from open rebellion against the Word of God.

Remove Shabby Debris from Your Soul and Manifest Power

The soul is made up of many layers and each layer contains deposits that come from everything we see and hear. No matter the purity or the debauchery of the content we take in, all of it will find its way onto a layer of our soul. With so many images and sounds mucking up our eye gates and ear gates, it’s easy to be overcome by a little darkness if we aren’t regularly addressing these layers of the soul in prayer. Regarding the issue of immorality, for example, the Apostle Paul said, “Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed, Christ our Passover, was sacrificed for us” (1 Corinthians 5:6-7).

Simply put, one overlooked deposit on a layer of the soul can become a springboard for much larger issues if we don’t immediately address an area in the soul that may be dark.

The layers of our souls can become cluttered with debris—those things we place on our souls through the materials we watch and read, or even the things we hear and speak. Images and words have power and our words will determine whether we walk in the power of God’s light or if we will walk according to the spirits that govern darkness. We all have the gift of choice; one choice may lead to life everlasting with abundant blessings; while another may lead to death; either way, we make the choice to follow God or to follow Satan.

The Bible says the power of life and death are in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21) and it also says that believer’s in Jesus have the choice to embrace life or to embrace death (Deuteronomy 30:19). We determine the fruit that will be produced in our lives based upon the things we speak into the atmosphere. We also determine the fruit that will be produced in our lives when we make a conscious effort to read and listen to messaging that can either edify or damage our soul. It is up to us to choose those things that edify our souls and bring God glory. It is also up to us to foster an environment that produces the conditions necessary for improving our circumstances and manifesting our destiny.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God; this is true, but the Bible also directs us to see the Word of God with our eyes:

Proverbs 4:20-23

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart; for they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Therefore, not only are we held accountable for what we hear, but also what we see. Additionally, not only should we be hearing the Word and seeing the Word, but we should be allowing Holy Spirit to strip away deposits formed on the layers of our souls from poor choices we make like watching, listening to, or consuming materials that do not edify the Spirit of God within us. Now, that isn’t to say we shouldn’t be well-rounded people with special skills, talents, abilities and hobbies; after all, God made us in His image (Genesis 1:27) and He placed those skills and talents within us for His own good pleasure. If someone is called to be a carpenter for example, they wouldn’t forego reading manuals or watching videos on how to become an expert in their craft. Excellence in one’s profession or hobby only serves to enhance one’s God-given abilities. Equally, if another enjoys fly fishing, they certainly wouldn’t be penalized by Holy Spirit for reading up on how to improve their fly fishing technique or how to master special fly fishing knots. God is actually a God who likes to have fun and He wants His children to enjoy life; but if we’re professing to love Jesus Christ, then we must make the choice to avoid reading certain materials or viewing certain images we know will grieve the Holy Spirit of God. At the close of every day, each one of us should be able to say with confidence before the Father that our lifestyle choices actually added value to the kingdom of God and brought Him some glory.

What fellowship does light have with darkness and what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness (2 Corinthians 6:14)?

Do Christian’s really need to be educated about the damage caused to the soul when they consume materials laden with witchcraft, or watch incredibly violent movies, or listen to extremely dark music? In the same regard, do believers really need to be told that it’s wrong to read books that contain spells or demonstrate storylines that magnify the devil or indulge in content that promotes illicit sex and adultery?

What we take in through our eye gates and our ear gates matters; and if we’re taking in garbage, then garbage is what will be produced in our souls, and garbage is what we will manifest when the time comes to move in faith.

There are a lot of voices in Christianity right now who are preaching kingdom authority and manifesting for God, but they are not speaking to “lifestyle”. The glory of God cannot be improperly handled by half-baked Christian’s who treat the sovereignty of God like it’s a toy they can draw from a toy box at will. Handling the glory comes with a cost; and the child of God interested in moving in the higher realms of authority must live a crucified life. That means no more consuming a diet of junk that weakens faith and produces spiritual lack. Sweet and bitter water cannot come forth from the same fountain and darkness and light cannot come forth from the same spirit, so it is incumbent upon us to make choices that edify our souls and choices that produce kingdom results. The glory of God can only be manifested through a sanctified vessel. We cannot live like the children of the devil and expect to handle the power of God.

In Luke 11:33-36, Jesus told the disciples that if the eye is dark then the entire body will be dark:

“No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lamp stand, that those who come in may see the light. The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore, take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light.”

Thankfully, we have the blood of Jesus to cover us when we miss it. We also have the Word of God to show us how to remove darkness from our souls if we consume things that are not God’s best for us.

Jesus said, “So I say to you, ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:9-13).

We can simply repent for any error on our part and be restored to fellowship again with God.

Matthew reads: “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 18:18).

If we have indulged in something that is unhealthy for our soul we can clear it away with prayer. Any shabby debris left behind by bad choices can be loosed from our soul and we can bind them to the dry places to never return (Luke 11:24). We do this by speaking to the darkness and commanding it to go. Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7).

2019 needs to be a year of consecration for many—a stripping away of those things that clearly grieve the Holy Spirit of God and produce death in our souls. The times and seasons of God demand we lay ourselves open and bare before Him so He can remove what is keeping us in bondage to carnal living and fill us with those things that bring Him glory—like the Word, the Spirit, and our commitment to His kingdom agenda. Once we make the determination to be a vessel of honor for His plans and purposes, nothing will be impossible for us to accomplish in this earth, nothing; but we have to be free from the demonic clutter that comes from participating with evil and we have to say no to anything that keeps us in bondage to carnal living.

Say no to mindless junk. Verbally loose the garbage from your soul by repenting and commanding all that shabby debris on your soul to flee seven ways to the dry places, then don’t consume anymore junk. Keep your eye gates and your ear gates clean with the Word of God and prayer and if you do have a misstep and inadvertently consume something through your gates you know grieves Holy Spirit then just repent and keep it moving. There is absolutely nothing too difficult for God and He will honor us if we’re honoring Him. The earth is crying out for the sons and daughters of God to manifest for the kingdom and establish regions of light for the goodness of God (Romans 8:19), so be willing to be the one in your generation who establishes His will in the earth just as the scripture proclaims in Matthew 6:10.

It begins today. It begins with us. Come to a higher purpose in God beloved, and taste and see that the Lord is good.

You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

And He gave gifts to men (Ephesians 4:8).

Christmas is right around the corner and many of us are busy with shopping, making goodies, and buying gifts for friends and loved ones; and while we place our focus on the nice things we will be doing for others, why not take a minute to reflect on the things God has given to us individually? Certainly, the greatest of all gifts is Jesus, but God didn’t stop there; He has equipped each and every one of us with special traits and abilities not found in another human being, making each and every one of us fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Those gifts and abilities are not only within us for His divine will and purposes, but they are there to bring Him glory. He has called us to manifest His power and to walk in the fullness of His blessing. So, ask yourself, what has He placed inside of you that not only makes you fearfully and wonderfully made, but brings Him glory you can manifest for the world?

Are you an amazing parent? Are you a talented artist? Do you give the best advice? Are you a powerful prayer warrior? Do you encourage the hurting? Do you lend a hand to the less fortunate? Maybe you have the gift of dance, or you write anointed novels? Maybe your gift is faithfulness? Maybe you’re the one person in your sphere of influence everyone can count on to be available for a hug, or a listening ear, or a phone call during a crisis? Maybe you’re a dedicated employee who works for your employer as unto the Lord, or perhaps you make the most amazing pastries and pies? Maybe you’re a devoted public servant or you’re a fantastic motivational speaker?

The point is, God has given each one of us special talents and abilities and they matter to the world around us. Think about the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”.
If you have seen the movie then you know that George Bailey was convinced that he had no real purpose in life and he had nothing substantial to offer the world or the people around him. He was so convinced his life was useless he said he wished he had never been born and guess what? God allowed George to see the world around him without him in it, and it was a grave and depressing place without George. George couldn’t realize while he was alive how much impact his gifts and his kindness towards others had on the world around him. It wasn’t until he saw how dark life was for the people he deeply loved that he realized just how grim the world would be without him in it. It’s a powerful story of grace and redemption that really brings home just how valuable each and every one of us are to the plans of God and to the world we live in. If you haven’t watched the movie, place it on your watch list for this holiday season. You will definitely be encouraged.

So as we come to the close of this year and we begin to think about the next, what gifts has God given to you to manifest His glory and to be a light to those around you? And how are you going to use those gifts to be His representative in the earth for 2019? Please take a moment to comment below and thank you for your participation. We appreciate you and we are praying for you to be exactly who He made you to be. You are amazing and we love you!

You Can Do the Works of God

Sometimes we humans can really complicate matters of faith. In the gospel of John, Jesus gives the people a very simple and direct answer when they ask Him how they too can “do” the works of God. Jesus had just fed the 5,000 on a few fishes and some bread; a feat any common man would like to achieve! Imagine not having to toil by the sweat of your brow to produce enough food to feed thousands? But Jesus corrected the people by essentially saying, don’t seek after the bread that perishes, fulfilling you temporarily; but seek after Me, because truthfully, I am the bread of life and if you will believe in Me, you can do the works you see here and more:

John 6:28-29 Therefore they said to Him, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”

It’s such a simple thing to believe in the power of Jesus and apply it to our own situations, yet we human beings like to muck everything up with long lists of requirements that we need to achieve before we can have what we will; but Jesus never said we would have to meet long lists of requirements to receive from Him. On the contrary, He rebuked the religious leaders of His day for placing those kinds of burdens on the people they were supposed to be serving. The message of Jesus was and still is quite simple; believe in Him and have what you will, even the ability to turn a few fish into a meal for thousands; but He inserts a caveat: never forget while we may carry that kind of power–that kind of faith–that ‘belief in Him’ has to be more important to us than those things we produce when we ‘do’ the works of God.